Do you ever find yourself reflecting on a time in your life as though it was just a faint memory or maybe a scene from a movie. That's where I am today. I was on Facebook tonight and someone from my camp was thanking me and two other ladies for running a very successful children's activity day on Saturday. Yep, you heard that right I helped run a children's activity day! What made me smile was that last year I had applauded myself for having the tenacity to attend the event. I did have to retreat to my trailer for half an hour to regroup but still it was the first time I had actually been there. This year I was busily painting butterflies, flowers and spiders on happy little campers faces, arms and even feet. Just a year. I would never have dreamed my life could change so fast. The truth is that each step I have taken has opened up so many new wonderful opportunities. I wish I could offer a road map to each of you who is struggling to fight against the dark place your are in. I can't. What I will offer you is hope...that there is a path out. If I found it so can you. Not to say I believe I won't ever be there again. I am still fighting that same battle. The difference for me is that I now know that there is still something out there worth fighting for, Happiness. My thoughts and prayers are with you. -Tracy
This lovely picture says it all.
Image the property of FB/SueFizmaurice,Author |
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