Well today I sort of set myself up to fail. It did not occur to me that the whole city of Kingston shops on Saturday. I had a rough week, appointments or errands every single day. If you are at all like me you leave the house once at the most twice a week. That is so much more comfortable than this week was. Anyway, to the point. My husband took my family to Kingston today to go to Costco. The parking was backed up all the way to the outer overflow parking areas. I could feel my anxiety rising with each step toward the entrance. It was more jammed packed inside than I ever could have imagined. Needless to say I did the shop and dash thing. You know the one....knock stuff off the shelf into the cart without even slowing down. That was until I got to the books section. There must have been a whopper of a sale in the food aisles because the book section was lonely and desolate looking. A perfect retreat for us anxious folks. Out of the corner of my eye I spied a pile of self help books. I decided to investigate and found:
The Mindfulness & Acceptance Workbook for Depression by Kirk Strosahl and Patricia Robinson $16.99
The Anxiety & Phobia Workbook by Edmund Bourne $16.99
I was so excited as I thought I had saved a bundle of money on these well rated books. Yah, well I need to get out more I guess (not really) because you can buy them for less than $18 online. No shipping though and I get to say I actually went to a brick and mortar store.
I have not had a chance to read them thoroughly yet of course, but I am really excited by the highlights I saw flipping through them in the car ride home. I am going to make a concerted effort to get them done asap and start applying these strategies to my oh-so-dilapidated life. My family has decided after 6 wonderful years of homeschooling that our children will return to school on Monday. I am heartbroken of course and there are a myriad of thoughts swirling in my head. It will however allow me to design a firm plan to counteract this disorder. So first step, kids successfully launched to school, second step organise the house, third step make an action plan for regular exercise reducing caffeine and regular social contact....gasp gasp.....Please don't make me do this alone. Put your own action plan together and let me know what you come up with. It's too late for New Year's Resolutions but we can certainly try to be proactive in our our mental health can't we? Seriously, help me out here...lol...Thinking of you all- Tracy